trRevealEntireMap -- shows whole map, similar to how revealed mode works trPlayMovie() -- plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory -- filename needs extension trClearCounterDisplay() trSetCounterDisplay(text) trSetPauseInObjectiveWindow() trSetPauseOnAgeUpgrade() trUnforbidProtounit(player, protoname): removes protounit from the forbidden list trSetRelicType(relic tech) trGetWorldDifficulty() trGetSelectedUnitID(int index) trGetNumberSelectedUnitIDs() trAIFunc( : Makes the camera shake. trPlayerGrantResources(player, resource, amount): advances the campaign. trCampaignPlayCurrent(): plays the current scenario in the campaign trCampaignAdvanceProgress(): advances the user progress through the campaign.(updates user profile only) trCampaignAdvance(): advances the campaign (advance user profile, AND plays the next scenario). trModeEnter(): enters the mode specified. trIsGadgetVisible(): returns true if gadget is real. trPlayerKillAllBuildings( Kills all of the buildings of a given player. trPlayerKillAllUnits( Kills all of the units of a given player. trPlayerTechTreeEnabledGodPowers( : Enables/Disables the Tech Tree from granting God Powers to a player. Default=ON trPlayerKillAllGodPowers(: Kills all of the current God Powers of a player. trPlayerResetBlackMapForAllPlayers(Resets the black map for all HUMAN players. trPlayerResetBlackMap(: Resets the black map for a given HUMAN player. trCameraShake( : Makes the camera shake. trMinimapFlare( ): Sends a Minimap flare to a certain player. trRateResearch(void): restore all rates to normal. trRateResearch(): modify research rate. trRateTrain(): modify training rate. trRateConstruction(): modify construction rate. trUIFadeToColor( ): fade in/out using color specified. trUIFlashCategory( ): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlash( ): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlash( ): flashes a UI element (maybe). trUIFlash( ): flashes a UI element (maybe). trForceNonCinematicModels(): forces models to be in non cinematic mode trCinematicDoAbort(): aborts the cinematic. trCinematicAbort(): returns the abort cinematic status. trCounterAbort(name): abort a counter. trCounterAddUnit(name, playerid, count, protounit, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trCounterAddTime(name, start, stop, message, event): start a counter that may or may not fire an event. trSetLighting(setname, fadetime): fades to the specified lighting set over fadetime. trArmyDispatch(): creates the units in the army specified. trArmySelectInt(int playerID, int armyID): selects the units in the army specified. trArmySelect(army info string): selects the units in the army specified. trStopGameRecord: add help string. trStartGameRecord: add help string. trSetFogAndBlackmap( ): turn fog and black map on/off. trRenderSnow(): controls snow rendering. trRenderSky( ): turn sky rendering on/off and set which sky to use. trShowCampaignDlg(NextCampaign): . trShowWinLose(text, soundfile): message and sound. trYouLose(text): player loses, specifies message. trYouWin(nextscenario, text): player wins, specifies next scenario to go to and message. trTechInvokeGodPower(playerID techName pos1 pos2): invokes the specified god power. trTechGodPower(playerID techName numUses): adds X uses to the specified god power. trTechSetStatus(playerID techID status): sets the tech status for the player. trTechStatusResearching(playerID techID): returns true if tech is being researched for player. trTechStatusActive(playerID techID): returns true if tech is active for player. trGameLoadScenario(): pop up a dialog allowing choice to load a scenario. trGameLoadScenario(): start a game using scenario. trGamePause(): pause or unpause the game. trWriteToLog(message): Writes text to the rts banglog trChatSendSpoofed(fromID message): Changes the chat status, but does not append player. trChatSend(fromID message): Changes the chat status. trChatSetStatus(): Changes the chat status. trMessageSetText(): displays the message text. trObjectiveSetID(, ): sets the objective text. trCamTrackPlay( ): plays the current camera track. trCamTrackLoad(): Loads a camera track. trMusicSetMood(): Changes the music to mood associated with mood id. trMusicSetCurrentMusicSet(): sets the current music set. trMusicStop(): Stops the current music. trMusicPlayCurrent(): Plays the current music. trMusicPlay( ): Plays the music file. trSoundPlayDialog(, , , , ): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trUnBlockAllAmbientSounds(): Unblocks all ambient sounds that were previously blocked from playing trBlockAllAmbientSounds(): blocks all ambient sounds from this point forward trUnblockAllSounds(): Unblocks all sounds that were previously blocked from playing trBlockAllSounds(excludeDialog): Blocks all sounds from playing from this point forward trFadeOutAllSounds(): Fades out all sounds over a given duration trPlayNextMusicTrack(): Plays the next song in the music play list. trFadeOutMusic(): Fades out current music over a given duration. trSoundTimer(long milliseconds, long eventID) creates a high performance sound timer and passes the eventID as data. trSoundPlayPaused(): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trSoundPlayFN(): Plays the sound associated with the filename. trLetterBox(): Turns letter box mode on or off. trSetObscuredUnits( ): Sets whether or not units can be drawn obscured or not. trSetUnitIdleProcessing( ): Sets whether or not units can do their idle processing. trEventFire(): cause an event to occur. trEventSetHandler( ): sets a handler function for an event id. trPlayerGetPopulation(playerID): returns the player population. trPlayerAtPopCap(playerID): returns true if player is at pop cap. trPlayerSetActive(playerID): sets the active player. trPlayerCountBuildingInProgress(playerID protoname): returns true if building is being built. trPlayerModifiedLOS(playerID cansee playerID): Adds/removes LOS between players. trPlayerGetDiplomacy(playerID playerID): gets the diplomacy status between players. trPlayerSetDiplomacy(playerID playerID status): sets the diplomacy status between players. trEndGame: Signal that the game has ended. trSetPlayerWon: call this when a player has won on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) trSetPlayerDefeated: call this when a player is defeated on the local machine (meaning that this func must be called synchronously on all machines, it will not pass around a command.) trPlayerActive(playerID): returns true/false if the player is active. trPlayerDefeated(playerID): returns true/false if the player has been defeated. trPlayerResourceCount(playerID, resource): returns the number of resources for the player. trPlayerTribute(from, resource, amount to): tributes resources to a player. trPlayerUnitCountSpecific(playerID, protoName): returns the number of units for the player. trPlayerUnitAndBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of units and buildings for the player. trPlayerBuildingCount(playerID): returns the number of buildings for the player. trPlayerUnitCount(playerID): returns the number of units for the player. trSetCurrentPlayerStatus(): sets the current player as active or inactive. trCurrentPlayer(): returns the current player. trWaypointAddUnit( ): Adds the unit's position as a waypoint in the trigger selection system. trWaypointAddPoint( ): Adds the waypoint into the trigger selection system. trWaypointClear( void ): Clears the waypoints in the trigger selection system. trCameraCut( pos, dir, up, right ): puts the camera in the specified location. trUnitSetStance : set the stance for the given set of units. trUnitIsOwnedBy(playerID): determines if the selected units are owned by the player specified. trUnitTypeIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. trUnitIsSelected : returns if the specified unit is selected. trUnitEjectContained : ejects all contained units. trUnitGetContained : returns the number of units contained. trUnitChangeProtoUnit : changes the proto unit for a given set of units. trUnitHighlight(seconds) : does something to highlight the units selected. trUnitTeleport : moves units from current position to position specified trUnitPercentDamaged : returns the percent damaged as 0 to 100 trUnitPercentComplete : returns the percent complete as 0 to 100 trUnitConvert(playerID): converts the selected units to player. trUnitHasLOS(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, otherwise returns false. trUnitVisToPlayer(playerID): returns true if the player can see the selected unit, and it is on screen. trUnitSetHP( ): set the hitpoints for all selected units. trUnitSetHeading( ): sets the units heading. trUnitGetHeading( ): returns the units heading. trUnitCreate( ): creates a new unit. trUnitDestroy(void): destroys the selected unit(s). trUnitDelete( remove ): removes or kills the selected unit(s). trUnitDead( void ): Returns true if all selected units are dead. trUnitAlive( void ): Returns true if all selected units are alive. trUnitSetAnimation( ): Sets the animations for the selected unit(s) to the given animation. trCountUnitsInArea(centerUnit, matchPlayer, matchType, range) trUnitDistanceToUnitID( ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. trUnitDistanceToUnit( ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the given unit. trUnitDistanceToPoint( ): Returns the shortest distance between the trRT units and the point. trImmediateUnitGarrison( ): Instantly garrisons units inside another unit without considering distance. trUnitGarrison( ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to garrision into another unit. trUnitDoWorkOnUnit( ): Tasks the selected unit(s) to perform work on the given unit. trUnitBuildUnit( ): Moves the selected unit(s) to the spot occupied by the given unit. trUnitMoveToPoint( ): Moves the selected unit(s) to the given position. trUnitSelectByID( ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. trUnitSelect( ): 'Selects' the unit in the trigger selection system. trUnitSelectClear( void ): Clears the units in the trigger selection system. trTimeMS( void ): Returns the current gametime in Milliseconds. trTime( void ): Returns the current gametime in Seconds. trDelayedRuleActivation( ): adds a rule to the runtime to be activated on the next update. trEcho( ): Trigger echo.